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Real machine tax included slot magical girl madoka magica kyubei panel with. Madoka Kaname (鹿目 まどか Kaname Madoka?) is the main protagonist and the titular character of the Puella Magi Madoka Magica TV series. She is a shy and kind girl who cares deeply for her friends, but has low self-confidence. After becoming a magical girl, she gains more confidence in herself and her actions.

Authors Note: Here you guys go, the edited version for those who are rereading through. Thank you to Evertide for going through the chapter and making fixes and changes.

The morning was good so far. It was nice out: warm but not hot with a cool and light breeze blowing. Several handfuls of students from the middle school were standing around the train station, talking to their friends and double checking their bags to ensure they had everything. There was not a person in sight who was dressed in their uniform.

Sayaka was sitting at a bench that was in good view of the entrance to the station. Her blue bag was at her feet as she waited for her friends to arrive. She was rather excited for this trip to be perfectly honest, just like the other students were.

Hitomi, who had gotten here not too long after, sat next to her reading a book silently, while Homura, who was the last of the three to arrive, sat on Sayaka's other side, fingers drumming against the handle of her wheeled bag with nervous energy.

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In the far corner, the bluenette could see Saotome yelling something into her phone, and the girl had an inkling that her teacher was in a fight with her newest boyfriend. Hopefully the destined breakup wouldn't affect the trip in any negative way. Maybe she could find a decent guy in Kazamino, for all she knew.

Fifteen more minutes passed and she saw neither heads nor tails of Kaname Madoka, and Sayaka was starting to feel worried. Had the pinkette slept in? She was going to miss the train and miss the trip! A part of her also wondered if a certain someone had talked her out of coming.

'I'm going to call her,' Sayaka said when she could take the wait no longer, standing up quickly and drawing her two friends' attention onto her. Then without another word, she fished her cellphone out of her pocket and quickly dialed the familiar numbers.

The phone rang several times before going to voice mail and the girl hung up. Sayaka's first assumption had been that Madoka was ignoring her, but that didn't sound like Madoka at all, so she threw that thought out.

Though it's not the first time it wouldn't sound like Madoka, Sayaka thought bitterly. It was unlikely that Madoka was outright ignoring her, but with how much Madoka had changed, it wasn't impossible.

'No luck?' Homura asked as Sayaka sat back down on the bench between her and Hitomi. A worried expression was on the girl's face that made Sayaka smile inwardly, grateful for the concern.

Shaking her head, Sayaka put the phone back in her pocket and sighed, 'Nope, she didn't answer. I hope she doesn't miss the train.' She had desperately wanted Madoka to go on this trip with them, and had been really looking forward to finally getting some time with her best friend. Maybe she could even learn why Madoka was constantly abandoning her for Mami.

She had so many questions she wanted Madoka to answer, but most of all, she just wanted Madoka.

'I think I see her coming, actually,' Hitomi spoke up, looking directly at a large crowd of people at the entrance. Sayaka's attention quickly focused on it and sure enough she could see a pink-haired girl running towards them with a bag being dragged behind her, and her heart began to soar.

But seeing who was behind her sent Sayaka's soaring heart plummeting down to the ground, catching on fire during the descent.

'Sorry I'm late,' Madoka said, coming to stop in front of them, hands on her knees as she panted for breath. 'I overslept, and I...and I had to run all the way here,' she gasped, wiping away a little sweat from her brow.

Mami didn't look as out of breath as her companion, and smiled pleasantly at the three. 'You must be Madoka-san's friends, she told me so much about you,' she said, still smiling, and all Sayaka wanted to do was to smack that friendly expression off her face. Even more so when she saw the packed bags at the older girl's feet.

What the Hell was she doing? Was she joining their trip?

Madoka perked up a bit and straightened herself up when she regained her breath, remembering that the group hadn't formally met Mami yet. 'This is Tomoe Mami, she's my new friend and mentor of sorts,' Madoka said, a hand gestured to the blonde. 'Mami-san, this is Sayaka-chan, Hitomi-chan and Homura-chan.'

'It's a pleasure to finally meet you,' Mami said, clasping her hands together, 'and it looks like we'll all get to spend time together during this weekend trip too. It'll certainly be fun.'

'Mami-san's coming along so she can visit an old friend of hers in Kazamino,' Madoka added as an explanation.

Excuses, excuses, she just came so she could be a pest as always. With gritted teeth, Sayaka stood up, grabbed her bag, and began walking away from the group, shoulder bumping into Mami. 'Yeah, whatever. I'm getting on the train.' She didn't even try to mask the bitter tone; she was too annoyed to attempt it.

Seeing her stalk away, Homura quickly began apologizing on Sayaka's behalf. 'I'm sorry, Tomoe-san! She's just in a bad mood right now, she's not usually grumpy like that,' the girl said. She knew Sayaka's hostile attitude when it came to Mami well, and she didn't want to see it be reciprocated in the slightest.

'No, it's fine,' Mami assured her, picking up her own bag, 'Miki-san is right though, it'd be best if we get on the train or it'll leave without us. Shall we go?'

As they began following Mami to the train, Homura let out an internal sigh and looked to the sky. If Sayaka was going to stay difficult around Mami, it was going to be a very long and tiresome trip.

After a bit of time, the entire class was standing in the middle of the hotel, with Mami sitting off to the side away from the class as she was not a part of it. Saotome was at the front of the group, a pile of key cards to her left and a clipboard in her hands as she named off students and gave them their room numbers.

It seemed like the room's occupants were assigned randomly, though Sayaka was hoping she could be roommates with one of her friends. It beat having to room with someone she barely knew.


Out of the corner of her eye, she kept some of her attention locked onto Mami. The girl had been pleasant, almost sickeningly so during the train ride, and while Hitomi and Homura had taken a liking to the blonde, Sayaka still didn't trust her. No one whose hair curled like that could be good news!

'Miki-san? ...Miki-san! Miki Sayaka are you listening!' The class let out some snickers as Sayaka snapped back to attention to find Saotome glaring at her. 'Glad to have your attention back, it's truly an honor,' the teacher said sarcastically.

Her cheeks reddened a little from embarrassment.

'Now,' Saotome said, looking back at her clipboard now that she had Sayaka listening, 'as I said, you will be in room 112 along with Shizuki Hitomi.' The two key cards were held up and both girls stepped forward to take them before going away from the group with their bags to find their room.

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Good, she got a room with a friend. It was on the first floor, thankfully, and they found their room before long.

'We lucked out,' Sayaka said peering into the open room across from theirs which was home to several vending machines. 'If we get hungry or thirsty at night, we won't have to go down the hall in search of one of these.' They weren't that expensive either, she noted, as she put some money in the slot and got herself a candy bar.

Hitomi just gave a small laugh and shook her head. 'Lucky for you. I don't get midnight cravings like you do,' she said, placing her bag on the bed by the window. 'You don't mind if I take this bed, do you?' she asked and earned a shake of the head as her answer.

While Hitomi was busy putting some of her things away, Sayaka sprawled onto her bed with a pamphlet in front of her face as she read about what there was to do in Kazamino. Truthfully there wasn't that much, at least not compared to Mitakihara, but there were a few things that seemed interesting to check out.

'Hey, Hitomi,' Sayaka said, getting off the bed and looking into the bathroom where her friend was putting some haircare items on the sink, 'I'm going to find Madoka and Homura, you coming? Going to go see if they want to head out into the town.'

Shaking her head, Hitomi just gingerly withdrew her phone from her bag. 'I'll pass for now, I have a phone call I need to make. But I'll catch up to you guys later.'

Shrugging, Sayaka grabbed a key card and exited the room as Hitomi called the Mitakihara hospital so she could talk to Kyosuke, though Sayaka would remain unaware of the growing closeness between the two.

She reentered the lobby and looked around, finding Homura sitting at one of the couches having a discussion with Madoka and Mami. Fighting back the scowl that wanted to form at the sight of the blonde, Sayaka strolled up and leaned against the back of the couch.

'So, any plans?' she asked, trying to remain friendly.

Madoka smiled at her as she turned to face her. 'We were just discussing some places where we could visit,' she explained, holding up her own pamphlet of Kazamino. 'We were thinking the arcade was a good place to start.'

'Really?' Sayaka asked, tilting her head and looking as though she were in thought over the idea. What she was really doing was thinking of how to ignore Mami's presence since it was clear that the blonde would be sticking with them for this. 'The arcade it is then!'

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It was a good thing that Mami had joined their group for today, seeing as no one really knew their way around Kazamino like she did. Or at least that was what Homura thought; it was clear that Sayaka didn't hold the same opinions she had towards the older girl.

Homura didn't see Mami as a bad person, at least not the kind that Sayaka always painted her as. She was trying to make friends with them, and she was nice enough as they went. But she could understand why Sayaka was so angry with Mami. Homura would feel the same way should someone take Sayaka from her as Mami had with Madoka.

Speaking of whom, for Homura, it was Madoka who she had her frustrations pointed at. She was nice, sweet and kind, and Homura didn't hate the girl, she didn't even dislike her, but she couldn't help but feel so annoyed with her. Annoyed because Madoka didn't see what she was putting Sayaka through by ignoring her and ditching her. Madoka was hurting her so-called 'best friend' and it was painful to watch.

Homura cared for Sayaka, a lot, how could she not? Sayaka was her first friend, the greatest friend she could ever have even. It pained her when she saw Sayaka pained, and whatever things used to be like between her and Madoka, the pink-haired girl was like an arrow through Sayaka's heart at the moment.

But she and Madoka would be roommates for this trip, and so Homura would remain friendly and continue to bite back any of her annoyances when it came to Madoka so she could try to be friends with her. Hey, maybe in another time, another world, all four of them could have been friends.

'Akemi-san, you need to steady your grip,' Mami said, making the girl jump out of her thoughts as she felt hands being placed over her own, adjusting her grip on the plastic gun she was holding. Mami must have seen how poorly Homura was doing at the shooting game and decided to give her a hand.

'I-It's okay,' Homura said, uncomfortable at the close proximity between her and Mami, and she could feel Sayaka's gaze burning into them. Would this be considered a betrayal to their own friendship?

But light laughter was given in response as Mami moved their arms up a little, adjusting Homura's aim. 'It's alright, Akemi-san. I'm just helping,' she said as she moved their arms a bit once again. 'Now, pull the trigger.'

Not wanting to disobey, but also still on edge, Homura's finger squeezed the trigger and a dull thunk followed by tin falling to the floor sounded in return. Homura just stared in surprise at the table that no longer had the tin bottles stacked on it.

'Good job,' Mami said, patting her head and giving a smile so infectious that Homura couldn't help but give one herself.

Before she could do anything else, she felt someone pulling on her sleeve as Sayaka tugged her away from Mami. 'Hey, Homura, why don't we go do this,' she half-asked, half-ordered as she pulled her deeper into the arcade and pointed at a pair of dancing machines, though it seemed like she just picked it out at random. Homura had to wonder, was she jealous?

Homura stared at it for a second and pulled back. 'Sorry, but I don't think I'd be really good at that one.' She was a terrible dancer, and really she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of everyone.

'I can play against you,' Mami offered, following the two while smiling as usual. Though this smile was a bit more challenging.

Sayaka stared at her hard, and the flash of determination filled her eyes. 'You're on, Tomoe,' she said, a smirk coming up.

'What are they doing?' Madoka, who had come up with her arms full of stuffed animals for prizes, asked as she watched the two stand parallel on the machine. However, realization soon kicked in. 'They're not, please tell me they're not.'

'They are,' Homura answered tiredly. They seemed intent to duke it out on the machine, though Homura wondered if Mami was just doing this to try and appease Sayaka, or if she too had some bone to pick with her.

Both wore confident looks on their faces as they shook hands and inserted the coins into the slot. A countdown and soon both were moving to the beat.

'I hope this helps them to get along,' Madoka sighed as they watched the two battle through dance. The intensity was almost overwhelming; it felt as though they were watching the two duel to the death without anyone admitting that's what they were doing.

Sayaka wasn't doing half bad: the game was crying out 'Good, Great, Gr-eat!' in response to her moves. But it was nothing compared to Mami's near-constant 'Perfect, Perfect, Per-fect!' as she moved gracefully and swiftly. She acted almost like a professional, and Sayaka must have noticed for she began doubling her efforts.

'Blueberry's going to get her ass handed to her if things keep going like this, heh.'

Homura turned to give the redhead who came to join them a small glare at her underestimation of Sayaka. 'And what makes you so certain of that? She might just surprise you.'

'Whoa there, calm your tits. I'm just giving your girlfriend some friendly advice,' she said, laughing at the bright red flush that overcame Homura's face at the mention of a girlfriend. 'Sakura Kyouko, nice to meet ya!'

Still startled by the girl calling Sayaka her girlfriend, Homura stuttered out her own name, 'A-Akemi Homura.'

Smiling, Kyouko offered up a box of Pocky to her. 'Want one?' she asked, and pulled it back after one of the sticks had been taken. 'So what's got them going at it so fiercely?' she asked, referring to Mami and Sayaka. The entire match seemed to be amusing her greatly. 'Fighting over something?'

'No...well, maybe?' She glanced at Madoka for a second. 'It's just, some stuff, really,' Homura said, turning her attention to the dancing. It looked like Sayaka had caught back up to Mami, but it seemed Sayaka was getting tired and Mami was starting to slip up. 'There's some tension around them.'

Kyouko just laughed in response. 'Well, like that isn't obvious. I've got to see this 'til the end,' she said sticking a piece of Pocky into her mouth, 'maybe they'll decide to kiss and make up, wouldn't that be a show?'

Without her consent, the image of the two kissing popped into Homura's mind and her face grew red, as well as an odd feeling starting to bubble up in her chest. What was it, dislike? She certainly didn't like the idea of Mami and Sayaka making out. Or was this what jealousy felt like? She always assumed she wasn't worthy of things other people had that she wanted, but this was the first time she felt...or wait, did that mean she didn't want Mami kissing Sayaka because she wanted-

Shaking her head frantically, Homura returned her attention on the dancing, while Kyouko and Madoka exchanged quick greetings before focusing on the two as well.

Homura had been right in her assumption earlier about the two of them growing tired. The 'Perfect' and 'Great' comments to their moves had turned into 'Good,' 'Boo' and 'Miss,' with a few 'Great' and 'Perfect's but they were far and few between. Their steps had turned messy and their breathing was heavy. It was clear neither would be able to keep up for much longer.

It was Sayaka who fell first. She tripped over her own feet, and was barely able to keep herself from tumbling to the ground as she grasped the railing. Mami was a bit more graceful as she sank to her knees in surrender.

'Well,' Kyouko said, biting into another Pocky, 'looks like a tie.' With that she pointed at the screens, which were surprisingly enough at the same number like she said. Her attention was on Homura as she gave her a slap on the back. 'That was pretty fun, if not a bit disappointing in the blonde, but I've gotta get going. Maybe I'll see you around.'

Unsure what to make of it, Homura just nodded and gave her a small wave goodbye before turning to Sayaka. 'Are you okay?' she asked, helping her stand back up and get away from the machine. The poor girl's legs were like Jell-O as she used Homura as support.

'I've...I've never did anything...that exhausting,' Sayaka breathed into Homura's ear as she leaned against her, watching as Madoka helped Mami stand too, mumbling something to her that Homura couldn't hear but she could see Mami looking embarrassed, 'I think some water...yeah some water would be good.'

It was actually a little funny, how Sayaka was acting, and Homura couldn't help the tiny smile on her face. 'Let's get you some water then.'

Day one of the trip was drawing to a close, about an hour before everyone was required to be in their rooms. Make that thirty considering the distance that Homura and Sayaka would need to walk to get from the store back to the hotel.

'This might be nice, don't you think?' Sayaka said as she picked up a CD. It was some heavy metal band and she had a self-amused grin on her face as she thought of sending it to Kyosuke as a joke. 'Might melt your brain though if you listen to it.'

Homura hummed in response as she looked around the shelf opposite of that. Along it were music boxes and small trinkets. In her hands she rotated a small object with a carved clock face in the front.

'Find something you like?' Sayaka asked, peeking over her shoulder to look at the object.

'It's nice,' Homura said, putting it back on the shelf, 'but I don't think I'm going to buy it.'


'Why not?'

'I'd like to save my money in case I find something I like more later along the trip,' Homura responded with a light shrug. She turned and looked down at the CD in Sayaka's hand, a different one from the one she was just talking about. 'Did you find one?'

Lifting up the CD, with a band name Homura didn't recognize printed in blue flames, she grinned and rubbed the back of her neck. 'Yeah, I've heard some of their songs online, so they seem pretty cool,' she said before placing the CD back on the shelf, much to Homura's surprise. 'Most of my money's in my room so I don't have enough on hand right now,' she explained.

'Oh.' Glancing at the clock on the wall Homura noticed, 'We should get going if we're going to be back in time.' The idea of Saotome being angry because they were late was not an idea she wanted to entertain.

Nodding, Sayaka began waving her off. 'I'll meet you outside, I'm going to use the bathroom quick,' she said, heading towards the back of the small store, and Homura just nodded and headed outside, giving a 'goodbye' to the clerk at the register.

Sayaka had been quick like she had said, and only a few minutes later she left the store and rested her hands behind her head. 'Man I'm tired,' she said, punctuating the words with a yawn, 'I'm going to need sleep to recharge after today.'

'Same,' Homura said, rubbing her eyes. It was rather late, and they had gotten up at an unholy time of the morning to board the train, so it was natural to be this tired, but it wasn't fun.

Most of the walking was in silence after that, broken up by bits of small talk: a few comments about the dance-off with Mami earlier, and then how Mami and Madoka split up from the group to do their own thing after the arcade. Sayaka had been bitter about that, of course, but she pushed it back and she and Homura had then done some window shopping and a little actual shopping the rest of the day as well as getting something to eat.

However, as they walked, Homura came to notice how closely Sayaka walked next to her. A thought came back into her mind at this, one that had been returning again and again since the arcade: the idea of Sayaka being her girlfriend.

Homura's face turned red quickly after that, and she was thankful it was more or less hidden in the dark of the night, else Sayaka would have seen it and questioned her about it.

Stop thinking about it!

With that, Homura forcefully pushed that thought aside and filled the air with chitchat that she hoped was not too awkward sounding.

After half an hour, the two were standing in the halls, checking in with Saotome and stopping at Homura's door which had been the first to come up.

'Well, good night, I'll see you in the morning,' Sayaka said. The even tireder Homura mumbled out a 'good night' back, and was just opening her door when Sayaka tapped her shoulder. 'I got you something, I hope you don't mind.' She pulled something wrapped in brown paper from her pocket and placed it in Homura's hands.

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Before Homura could unwrap it or thank her, Sayaka was already heading down the hall to her own room. So, silently unwrapping the tissue paper, Homura stared into the carved clock's face of the very same trinket she had been looking at in the store.

'She...bought this for me?'

Dumbly, Homura entered her currently empty room and sat on her bed, still holding the trinket in her hand. Sayaka had bought her this without being prompted to do so, without any reason to do so other than because she wanted to.

An odd feeling started to fill Homura's heart as it began beating faster and faster.

What Kyouko had said entered her mind once again. Sayaka as her...girlfriend? It was an idea that Homura couldn't help but find pleasing. Thinking of it, imagining it sent a jolt of excitement through her. Homura's heart beat even faster as she continued to entertain the idea, not that it would ever be a reality.

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It would be nice though. I wouldn't mind if we were dating.

Placing a hand on her warm chest, Homura's eyes widened in surprise. Her heart was like a drum, beating rapidly in a march down a road she wasn't familiar with. 'I like her.'

'Like who?' Madoka asked, leaning forward on her own bed and watching Homura with wide eyes and a big smile.

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With a cry of alarm, Homura jumped and nearly fell off the bed. 'W-When did you get here?' she asked, clutching at her chest with one hand and the wooden clock with the other.

'Just a minute ago. You looked happy with whatever you were thinking about and I didn't want to interrupt you. So, who are you talking about?' Madoka asked.

Her heart hadn't calmed down yet, and it was then that Homura began noticing the stabbing pain in her chest as the real reason for her racing heart. Quickly tumbling off the bed, Homura raced to the bathroom without another word. Madoka followed, watching as Homura quickly swallowed down a couple of her pills.

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'You alright?' she asked, taking a step to her in worry but Homura just nodded her off, assuring her that everything was fine. She'd just forgotten to take her medicine during lunch was all, so it was nothing to worry about now.

Thankfully the meds managed to derail Madoka from asking more about who Homura was talking about, but it didn't do anything to shake her certainty in her realization.

I really do like her.